
Fun Times in My Car Seat

I feel asleep in my car seat and mom and dad thought it was cute that I was holding my pacifier in by myself.

Excited about my afternoon outing with dad.

Where are we going now?

My New Chair

Our friends, the Kulps, let us borrow this new fun chair that helps Lucy learn to sit up

Here I am chillin in my chair.



Lucy was baptized this weekend in Charlotte at Sovereign Grace Presbyterian. Dr. Rod Culbertson, Sean's professor and boss, performed the baptism. Here we are after the service.

The whole family came up for the occasion. Here is Gannie, Mac (Sean's folks), Lindsey, Lucy, Sean, Aunt Kaykay, Daddy Jim, and Niecie (Lins' folks).

Funny Faces

This is a series of pictures as Lucy is waking up in her swing, quite humorous.

Shades of Dr. Evil here.

A little too close.

And finally back to normal.

Matching Polo

Just hanging out before church last week.

Snow Day in Charlotte

We had our first (and only) snow day here in Charlotte this year, so we wrapped Lucy up and went out on her first winter adventure.

Here we are with a freshly made snow man, Lucy didn't help much.

This is on our back deck.

Here we are in our "back yard", Lucy is starting to get pretty cold about now.

And finally with a bunch of neighbors/friends.

All-in-all Lucy stayed pretty warm and seemed to enjoy a different world, she was just mad she couldn't play in it yet!