Our nanny from the summer returned back to La Ceiba for her spring break. It was such a joy to welcome someone back who has already been here, experienced life here, and developed relationships here. We had a blast catching up, and the girls picked up right where the left off as far as playing with her and enjoying her friendship.
We decided she deserved some R&R, after all this was her spring break, so we took her to a water park here in town. I never knew that something this nice exists just 15 minutes outside the city. I know where I will be any day off I get during the summer!

Another thing she wanted to do was hike Pico Bonito. Sean graciously kept the girls so we didn't attempt this extremely
difficult hike with them again. It was refreshing for me to get out in nature, work my muscles hard core, and get some fun girl time. The sweat we are showing in this picture lets you know just how tough this hike really was.

It was a joy to see Sarah reconnect with all the kids she grew close to this summer. Blanca Estella, is just one of the many girls, that Sarah really touched this summer. Lucy loved being with Sarah again soon. She continues to talk about Sarah and just how cool of a girl she really is, I think this is the first real role model Lucy has found.

And Ellie was happy as ever to once again be squeezed and loved on by Sarah.

For Sarah's last night we got to have a girl's night in town with some of her favorite friends in Armenia. We took them out to Pizza Hut and then back to my house for dessert. As you can see we had a blast.

Thanks again for visiting us Sarah, know you are welcome back any time. We loved having you here with us!!