So after not being able to make it to Durham to see Sean's family, we quickly changed plans and stayed 2 nights in Augusta with my family to be able to recover from the long journey. The girls jumped right in to where they left off 2 years ago, to the tea parties of course.

Anna was all smiles to be in grandma's house.

The girls loved discovering all the new toys and even put on a concert on for us.

After we were rested we headed off to Charlotte where Gannie and Mac graciously met us so we could have some time with them.

While we were there we enjoyed visiting our home church, Sovereign Grace, and getting Anna baptized.

Then it was back to Appling to see the C-man.

A fun shot with all the grandkids minus Grace who will make her appearance late March.

KK and Anna were instantly in love and enjoyed all the snuggle time they could get. Anna gave some pep talks to baby Grace telling her to come as soon as she is ready.

The golf cart was a big hit, although Ellie could never quite get over how cold it was outside, and was therefore always a little miserable in the cold weather.

It was a whirlwind of a trip (like always) being back in the States but we loved every minute of it and enjoyed spending some fun times with family and friends.