
Lucy and the Truck

Funny story. So today mommy and I are sitting on the couch by the window, just enjoying a lazy Monday afternoon, when all of a sudden a Ford F150 flies up the steps and slams into the side of our building. Mom heard the noise and dove for cover with me in tow and Aunt Mel watching our back.

Turns out our elderly neighbor had, um, hit the gas instead of the break, and then, um, floored it just in case. The steps crumbled, the glass storm door was shattered, and the railing bent in two. Of course I kept my cool and watched it all like a champ; it was a good break from my day-long crying session. Mom on the other hand was a little more worried for me, but of course then Dad came home laughing and put us all at ease.

Finally the truck was towed, order was restored, and I could return to my days work of crying and fussing.

The truck climbing the steps.


Me and mom at the window with our neighbors the Purdy's.


Close up of the truck.


The view from my window spot.

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