
Go Dawgs!

We had a fun day today watching the Georgia vs. Kentucky game and cheering them on to victory.

We invited a few friends over for soup and to watch the game with us. Maggie and Lucy had a lot of fun together. And don't you just love the hair bows on these sweet girls?

Afterwards we went to the park to celebrate.

We got Lucy to say "woof woof" after we said Go Dawgs Go. She only actually said it 3 times but don't worry we will practice before the Sugar Bowl.

Has anyone seen Lucy?



Dirks said...

Lucy you are a hard core GA fan...I mean a jacket...incredible!

Anonymous said...

Funny that Lindsey is obviously smiling at the camera, but the shot is of the two little girls. Go Dawgs!

mikepettengill said...

Don't take this wrong Sean...this kid's got you whiped in the cuteness scale.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Lucy McCann,
You're a beautiful lil' girl!! Keep cheering for GA...BUT...deep-down we both know you're Lee Lee's Lil' WolfPackette! (Shh! Mustn't tell your Parents...Like they're not reading this...Gee, Comeon!)

: - }

Well, sending my Happiest Thanksgiving wishes to you, your entire family AND anyone who happens to run accross this...Be Thankful GOD HAS GIVEN us ANOTHER day!!!

I love remembering!



You at my house!

Love ALL y'all,
Miss LJTovar