
15 Months

Today is Lucy's 15th month birthday, it is hard to believe our little girl is growing up so fast. I was sure that she would be walking soon but other than 3 steps we haven't seen much progress. One thing Lucy does do though is talk up a storm here are some words in her vocabulary: duck, ball, book, turtle, kitty, dog, octopus, blueberry, banana, hat, shirt, shoes, chair, rock, walk, hot, more, one, truck, and I am sure there are more that I am forgetting but the favorite right now is Mac (Granddaddy McCanns' name). 

Check out Lucy's new sweater, knitted by Gannie with lots of love and effort.

This is pretty much what we have looked like the last week- bundled up and snot dripping out of our nose. 

Pull up a chair and have a seat. 


Jake said...

Now THAT is a precious sweater-- way to go Ann(e?) McCann!!! And I love that Lu is still wearing those red spotted pants.
We miss you! :-)M

Anonymous said...

so cute...snot and all!

Unknown said...

Well...just know that there will be NO bundling necessary here - barely a "brisk" morning air.
:-) Erin (Costa Rica)