We had a wonderful Christmas this year, it was a full month of celebrating with our church, family, and enjoying our own family traditions. It was a joy this year especially to see our children begin to understand and grasp Christ's birth and the reason for our celebration. Here are just a few pictures of what we did this month:
Decorate our tree, what a joy it was to have a REAL tree this year and be able to get out many of our ornaments we haven't seen in 3 years. I love how all our ornaments have stories of people and places in our lives. This particular ornament was made by our young teammate in Honduras to celebrate and remember Anna's 1st Christmas.

Decorating sugar cookies with Dabo. This is a Christmas tradition I grew up with and although every year we have done it with our kids, it was extra special this year to have the "true" cookie maker in our household to help us.

The girls loved decorating the cookies and then we enjoyed sharing them with all of our neighbors.

We also went on a horse drawn carriage of Christmas lights, it was a cold wet night but worth it.

We had many great Christmas celebrations with our church. This picture was taken the night of the Hymns and Carols at our church, where the older girls sang "Go Tell It on the Mountain".

Anna enjoyed decorating and un-decorating the tree all month long. Good thing we received new toys to play with for Christmas, or she would be bored once we took the tree down.

Gannie and Aunt Curly taught the girls how to make Reindeer sandwiches.

Here is Aunt Curly coaching Lucy through the making of Hello Dollies, a traditional Christmas desert.

The girls enjoyed reading through many Christmas books this month, including this one, "The Night Before Christmas".

I will try to post pictures soon of our Christmas celebration with both of our families that we have had the past few days.