The biggest thing that this January has held was the official ordination service of my dear husband. He has studied for several months now and passed all of his exams back in November, and it was such a joy to have such a special service held as he officially begins his career in ministry as a teaching elder. I am so proud of him and all that he was able to accomplish through the grace of the Lord. There were many people there taking pictures with much fancier camera than these but since I haven't gotten them yet, I will share what I have.
Both of our parents were able to be apart of the service, as well as my sister and her daughter.

The little ladies of the weekend.
Our attempt at a family photo.

Many of the men in Sean's life that have encouraged and challenged him in ministry.

And the Reverend himself. I teared up at many points during the service, when 30+ men laid hands on him in prayer, during words of encouragement from fellow pastors, and at the end when he gave the benediction.

I love you Sean, and I am blessed to walk along side of you in your call to the ministry.