
Our Little Girl

I have loved having this special time in the hospital right now to bond with this little girl.  And although I am SO ready to go home, I know that with that comes the craziness of 4 kids so here are some fun things I want to remember about your first few days of life Mary Neal.

Your nicknames so far are: M&M (one that I hope stays with you for the rest of your life), Peanut (because you are the size of a peanut m&m), and Anna (whoops thats not a nickname thats just what we call you like 10 times a day).

 I think out of all our kids you resemble Lucy the most. You are such a content baby and easy to soothe.  You nurse like a champ.  And you have the funniest cry which is a high pitch squeal which seems to resemble the sound of a goat.

You haven't really opened up your eyes yet I think you are content to think you are still inside my womb.  You have the sweetest little chin and your ears are all squished up and folded over from being inside of me.

We are in love with you little one and so happy you are apart of our family.

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