Here is a glimpse of the things we did this year for Christmas:
Fellowship with friends who we minister to in Armenia Bonito.

Hondurans celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, they spend the day visiting with family and friends, and then at night the celebrate with fireworks, at 12 pm everyone opens their gifts. We were very surprised when we got a call on Christmas Eve morning from some kids we work with in Armenia saying they were on their way to our house. We felt honored that they considered us close enough to share Christmas with, and that they were willing to take the hour bus ride it takes to get to our house from theirs. Our girls were thrilled to say the least.

Lucy and I made ornaments.

We baked lots of sugar cookies!

Sean helped out a good bit in the kitchen this year too, preparing the pecan pie, and decorating the Happy Birthday Jesus cake.

We danced and frolicked about.

We celebrated with friends and teammates, the Pettengills.

We skyped with family back at home.

We laughed and played in our new Christmas clothes.

We went to the beach to steal some sand for one our Christmas gifts.

We played with all our new toys including this water table from Gannie and Mac.

We ate turkey (my first turkey I have ever cooked- mom you would be proud) and lots of other yummy food.

So although this Christmas was very different in many ways, and at times it was extremely hard to not be with family and the external comforts were are used to. We had a very blessed Christmas celebrating the Birth of our Savior!