

I love watching these girls develop a relationship with one another. Anna can be hard to deal with and a bully sometimes, not quite understanding what it means to share, and yet the older girls are so patient and loving towards her.
On this particular day, Anna got upset about something, and Sean walked into the kitchen and found this. Sweet big sister comforting little sister and both of them loving it.
This was one of the first days I actually let Anna join in on the Polly Pocket fun. As you can see from her face she really thought she was big stuff.
We recently found out that our 4th child will be another precious daughter. What joy it will be to watch these sisters grow up to maturity. Sure I had days that I fought constantly with my sister growing up but that is not what I remember. What I remember are long talks when one of us was struggling with something, back rubs at night, and giggling over silly shows we put on for our parents. I love that I have the privilege of raising these 4 little girls and watching each of them grow into little women. And what a special man these girls have in their father, Sean, who loves and cares for them, and teaches them how a man is to treat them and love them, while all the time pointing them to their Heavenly Father.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Said the big sister to the little sister.