
First Day of School

Okay I know I am a dork but I made our family take a first day of school picture. You will notice in the bag beside Lucy that she even has her very own lunch box! We had orientation this morning and had to take placement tests to see what level we are in for our classes. Then in the afternoon our classes began, we have 2 classes one for grammar and the other for conversation for a total of 3 hours.

I believe this picture says it all, we were all worn out when the day was done. Lucy did very well in the nursery even though she didn't take a nap. Our teammate, Erin, graciously volunteered to take Lucy home for the afternoon and let Lucy nap in her own crib. I think Lucy will take some time to get adjusted to being in childcare, only hearing Spanish from her caregivers, and having a little to no nap in the afternoon but I pray that this time of transition would go well and quickly for her.

We put her to bed early because she was so exhausted, hopefully she will get a good nights rest and be prepared for another day tomorrow. Meanwhile Sean and I have homework we have to do!


Anonymous said...

Sorry Lucy. The picture does say it all...sleep well.

Mary said...

i love the first day of school picture! so cute! praying for y'all and for adjustment-

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