
6 Months Old

Today Ellie is a half a year old, crazy how time flies! She continues to be my laid back happy child. Some of her favorite things include: rolling over (you put her on the ground and she immediately starts flipping), giggling, eating (as you can tell she is quite big, she is probably going to out grow Lucy soon), and of course her sister! She has started solids and seems to really enjoy eating with us as a family. The extra food and calories has seemed to really help with her sleeping now too as she has begun to take some really long naps for us.

Her blue eyes and rolls of fat continue to make people stop and stare at her, she seems to be a gringo fanomina here in Honduras.

Daddy and now Lucy calls her "chunk-a-dunk". What a great nickname for her don't you just want to squeeze her so tight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I want to sqeeze chunk-a-dunk! I love her smile in the first pictures. I know this post was about Ellie and all...but I'm still waiting to see Lucy with her hair pulled back.