Lu: "Mommy can we see ______ (friend) today?"
Me: "No not today"
Lu: "Soonday mommy okay"
Lu: "Lets race to the tub... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11... run!"
Lu: "I am sweaty, I need to go off to the pool and cool off a little bit"
(Talking about a upcoming birthday party)
Me: "Lucy I think there is going to be a pinata"
Lu: "Remember Noah's pinata"
Me: "Yes, what was it?"
Lu: "It was a pirate, rrrrrr matey".... "I was scared and then I cried (fakes cry)"
Me: "Thats right but you aren't going to be scared at Susanna's party are you?"
Lu: "Yeah I will cry but its okay daddy will take care of me"
(Looking at one of the many mosquito bites on my leg)
Lu: "Whats that mommy?"
Me: "A boo-boo"
Lu: "I am sorry mommy (as she kisses it)" "Is it beeping?"
Me: "what?"
Lu: "Is it bleeping?"
Me: "No Lucy it is not bleeding"
There are so many more every day but unfortunately I don't write them down and therefore can not remember them. Here are some random sister pictures because a blog post isn't fun with out any photos in my opinion.
Ellie really looks like a Wall in that top picture! What a cute smile!
We'll see you soonday
so good to read all of your posts. i have been absent from your blog for like a month, and you are the best at keeping up! i thought there might be a couple of new things, but there are like 8! =) it is so good to hear how you are. i thought of you guys today, because we stopped by the house that we are going to be living in, and when we got there and out of the taxi, Cailyn ran up to the garage door area, pointed to it, and said "OURS!". it made me feel good that she is somewhat getting that we are living in Peru now. i thought of what you said Lucy had said about Honduras being home. the girls are getting big, and it's hard to believe Ellie is so old now! she is the cutest thing! i hope you guys are feeling better and back to normal. take care!
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