
Goodbye Paci

We are still back-blogging (if that is a word) to try to catch up, but when we returned home to Honduras, it was time to say goodbye to the beloved pacifier. We have told Lucy for at least 6 months now that when she turns 3, she had to say goodbye, and she knew it was time.

Here she is having the last suck, doesn't she look thrilled?!

Then she wrapped up her paci to give to the pacifier fairy, who took it away while she was on a daddy/daughter date, and replaced it with a special present.

She handled the transition pretty well, with only a few tears, and a couple of days of missed naps. It was hard to see her give up something that she cherished so much but we know this will be much better for her teeth.

1 comment:

La Vida Loca said...

not THE paci!!!!