
6 months

Today my little girl turns 6 months old, along with her cousin celebrating his 5th birthday (but more on that later). Anna has seemed to grow up so much in the past month. At the doctor she weighed 14.5 lbs in the 30% and her height was in the 70% percentile, so she is long and lean loosing a lot of weight since birth but that is probably due to pneumonia she had back in February.

We finally started her on rice cereal, not wanting to start it before we traveled, and that girl loves to eat.

She also loves to eat her hands making meal times a messy occasion, maybe even messier than her older sister Ellie which says a lot! Here she is enjoying some prunes, something she eats a lot of, because her stomach is still a little underdeveloped causing some digestion problems.

She is still learning how to sit up on her own. I think she is a little cautious of the fact that at any moment one of her older sisters will come and knock her down, a legitimate concern for us all.

So instead of sitting she has decided to go ahead and crawl. She isn't really crawling yet but as you can see she is up on all 4's rocking and she is able to army crawl to get a toy.

Here the girls are doing some early morning calisthenics. Seriously have you ever seen a baby do pushups?! Our little girl is so strong and determined.

And every now and then she does crash and take a good nap but sleep training is what is on schedule for month #7 :)

We love you little Anna girl and are thankful for your last 6 months, you bring so much joy to our lives!


Unknown said...

Dude! That's crazy she's crawling, or at least up on all fours. She's gunna be so big when I see her again!

Melissa said...

Don't worry, Anna. When they're making you cry in your crib next month I'll sneak in and let you sleep in my arms. Nooooo problem.

[Kidding, of course.]

Dena said...

The push up picture is hilarious!! She is so adorable!

Anonymous said...

just got home...loved reading this after just spending time with Anna Banana. She is such a joy and is much bigger in real life :)