

When trying to find pictures for this post, I realized I don't have any of Lucy by herself and that is because she is always taking care of her younger sisters. She has a little mommy heart, which most of the time is super helpful and yet some times it turns into wanting to control every one and every situation. For the most part though, she really loves her sisters well. I am not sure what I am going to do with out her when she starts Preschool in a week. I love watching her little mind at work as she is learning and discovering new things every day. She has grown so much socially since returning to the States, and we are anxious to see how she will do going to a new school where she knows no one in her class. I think school will be the biggest cultural adjustment she has experienced thus far, so we are trying to prepare her well and praying for good transitions.

Lucy you are loved and adored by your family.

1 comment:

kaitlin said...

i don't think it's possible to create a cuter trio of girls!